Monthly Archive: June, 2013

For teachers by teachers

What is it? Linked2Teach is a platform for teachers where they can see what is going on in other classrooms around the world through themed pinboards and gain inspiration. When a teacher logs… Continue reading

Boarding a plain at a railway station

What is it? A project called Clip-Air, from the Switzerland’s École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Today’s air travel is a nightmare of long drives to crowded airports, expensive parkings, long queues and… Continue reading

Life is a Picnic

What is it? Springtime, a three in one picnic basket designed by Jeriël Bobbe from BloonDesign, it can be easily transformed from a picnic basket to a cycle carrier and finally into a… Continue reading

Your Personal Coach

What is it? The Jawbone UP is “a system that takes a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle”. It tracks how you sleep, how you move and how you eat and it helps… Continue reading